Guiding questions:
Why did the Cold War spread from Europe to other parts of the world after 1950?
For what reasons, and with what results for East-West relations, did the superpowers become involved
in the affairs of one of the following: Korea; Vietnam; the Middle East?
What were the effects of the Korean War on international relations?
MWH p. 143-147
1. Background
a. Explain the evolution of control of Korea from 1910 to 1948
Japan had occupied Korea, so the US and Russia split up the country for the purpose of eradicating the Japanese. The US thought there would be free elections, but there was a disagreement and Korea became part of the Cold War conflict.
b. What was the leadership situation in Korea in 1949?
Russian and American troops withdrew themselves, and leaders from North and South Korea claimed themselves as leaders of the country.
2. Why did the North invade the South?
Possible answers:
a. Kim's idea - It was Kim's idea, inspired by the lack of a mention of Korea in the USA's list of countries to defend.
b. Chinese role - Kim was encouraged by the Chinese Communists.
c. Russian role - The Communists wanted to take over all of Korea
d. S. Korea's role - Syngman Rhee's troops crossed the 38th parallel.
3. What did the USA do?
a. Why did Truman decide to intervene?
i. Felt it was part of Stalin's Communist Revolution
ii. Remembered Hitler's policies, appeasement did not work
iii. Wanted to back the UN
iv. Was undergoing criticism from Republicans, had to dispel claims of Communist infenstation
b. What nations joined the US in support of S. Korea?
14 Countries of the UN, including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
c. Briefly summarize the course of the war in 1950
When the UN went in, Korea was almost all Communist. They pushed it back to the border, then invaded North Korea.
d. How and why did China get involved?
Chinese felt Manchuria was threatened, summoned huge force to push UN troops back.
e. How did the war end?
Treaty with boundary lines around 38th parallel.
4. What were the results of the war?
a. Korea -
4 mil dead, 5 mil homeless, armed to the teeth
b. the US -
Truman felt containment was a success, Republicans felt they missed their chance for a North Korean invasion.
c. the UN -
Looked at by the Communists as a Capitalist tool.
d. China -
Huge military effort highlighted missing UN seat
e. the Cold War -
Asia now involved. Permanent conflict between USSR/China and US. SEATO created, fails.